Issues and Legislation
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"provide information on expenditures to the Ohio Checkbook"
Rep. Tom Young and Rep. Bob PetersonEstablish the Nonchartered Educational Savings Account Program
SponsorRep. Gary Click
2023 Pro-Family Priorities of a New Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
1. Removal of “social emotional learning” as framework for Ohio Department of Education’s strategic plan.2. Removal of “whole child” initiatives, knowing this violates the interests of and relationship among children and their parents. No school has authority over the “whole” child nor should they have.3. Serious restriction of role of school-based health clinics and school-based counseling. No reproductive services, referral for abortion, sexual orientation or gender identity counseling, or referral to those groups. No health services or counseling without parental consent.4. Removal of all references to safety, support, or suicide prevention that advocates or enables the high risk-behaviors associated with the “LGBTQ” identity, because these behaviors are in and of themselves, unsafe. This includes Trevor Project.5. Removal of advocacy of “mindfulness” and meditation as stress management for teachers or students.6. No new regulations regarding homeschooling, the families involved or activities undertaken.7. HB 454 - SAFE Act – No private counseling.8. HB 327 – Divisive concepts and penalties for non-compliance.9. HB 61 – Save Women’s Sports10. HB 12 • Open meetings – Monthly meetings shall be conducted by both the Deputy Directors of Education and Workforce. Meetings shall be open to the public for individuals to speak for five minutes.• Televised meetings – All meetings shall be live-streamed and televised. All televised meetings shall be archived for future reference. • Urge schools to stop doing surveys and assessments; only focus on academics.• Senate shall have the authority to advise and dissent (remove) the Director of DEW, Deputy Director of Education and Deputy Director of Workforce.
February 20, 2023
Protect Ohio Children Releases Ohio Sex Education Audit Report
October 26, 2022
September 23, 2022
Brendan Shea Introduces Title IX Resolution at State Board of Education
May 13, 2022 Update on Pornography in Ohio Schools Exposed to the State Board of Education
During follow-up questions, State Board member Brendan Shea, stated that he foundMr. Stover's testimony to be credible and he had personally replicated the steps used by Mr. Stover to access Pornhub through the INFOhio website database. He also asked Erica Clay to admit that INFOhio has in fact removed the content that Mr. Stover has exposed. Erica Clay explained that yes indeed all of the content has been removed and new disclaimers have been added to the website to give more instruction about navigation and how parents and taxpayers can reach them if they have concerns or questions.Read about it here and WATCH the video
July 10, 2021 - Parents Right to Know Act, Most Provisions Added to BudgetCOLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio lawmakers failed to pass the Parents Right to Know Act which sought to stop schools from teaching students sexually oriented lessons that go beyond the parameters set by Ohio law without first getting parental permission and providing parents and guardians the instruction materials.Nevertheless, most of the language that made up the Parents Right to Know Act, also called House Bill 240 (HB-240), was added and passed into law by the 2021 biennium budget bill. The language was not line-item vetoed by Governor Mike DeWine and is now law.Language passed in the budget states that districts or schools choosing to offer instruction not specified in the Ohio Revised Code on health education – specifically venereal disease and sexual education - “shall notify parents and guardians of the instruction, including the name of any instructor, vendor name, if applicable, and the name of the curriculum being used.”
Ohio House Bill 180 & Ohio Senate Bill 187 Introduced by Senator Tim Schaffer
will strengthen the law to prevent children from dancing in bars for tips in the middle of the night
Ohio Revise Code 2919.22 Endangering Children(B) No person shall do any of the following to a child under eighteen years of age or a mentally or physically handicapped child under twenty-one years of age:(5) Entice, coerce, permit, encourage, compel, hire, employ, use, or allow the child to act, model, or in any other way participate in, or be photographed for, the production, presentation, dissemination, or advertisement of any material or performance that the offender knows or reasonably should know is obscene, is sexually oriented matter, or is nudity-oriented matter